Elementary and Middle School Student Awards

Private Lesson Awards for 5th, 6th and 7th Grade String Students

The Downers Grove Music Club will present multiple Private Lesson Awards to students enrolled in District 58 elementary and middle schools in the Orchestra program. The value of the award is approximately $360. This award is intended to cover the expense of twelve 30 minute private lessons. The award amount is calculated using the approximate lesson cost of $30 each based on average lesson fees for 30 minute private lessons given by local area teachers. The purpose of this award is to support District 58 Elementary and Middle School String Students who are highly motivated to expand their school string instruction with private lessons and who intend to continue private lessons beyond this initial 12 lesson period.

Who is Eligible?

Any current 5th, 6th and 7th grade students who are enrolled in the D/58 Orchestra Program.

The award recipients are required to:

  • be new to private lessons;
  • commit to 12 lessons, usually scheduled on a weekly basis, to be completed within a reasonable timeframe (approximately 3 to 4 months, allowing for holidays);
  • complete the 12 lessons by February of the following school year;
  • hire a professional string musician — not a study buddy.

How Can I Apply?

Use the online form below to apply. Applications must be submitted by March 15, . Award recipients will be chosen only from among the applications received by the deadline date.

All entries must be submitted by the deadline date of March 15, to be eligible for review.

What are the next steps if I receive this award?

  • Work with the D/58 Orchestra Directors to find a private teacher who would be suitable.
  • Contact the Music Club with your lesson plans: musiced@downersgrovemusicclub.org
  • Once the lessons begin, have your private teacher submit an invoice for the lessons (the Music Club will pay the teacher directly for the lessons, upon the receipt of an invoice). All teachers' invoices must be received by the Music Club by February 15, .
  • One or two award recipients may be invited to perform the following year on the DGMC Rising Stars Program (typically held in early April, following spring break) based on the continuation of private lessons beyond the initial 12 week period and private teacher/orchestra director recommendations.

Questions should be sent to: musiced@downersgrovemusicclub.org.

Our Generous Donor

DGMC would like to thank the family of Shelby Bulut for their generous donation in memory of their mother. The Shelby Bulut Memorial Fund makes these awards possible.
